Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I Do It For You

This pains me to say, but it's already the 14th, and this is my first blog of the whole month. Let me apologize for the fact i probably wont be blogging that often NOW so I don't have to have this big intro thing before everyone.

This won't be too long, but dont worry, soon enough they'll be a gigantic one coming your way. But I've just had so many moments, I guess, in the last while that was just registering in my head as "this is a sign, you need to just DROP IT." when i say drop it, im refferring to the fact that from 6 or 6:30 am to 10:30 to 11:30 pm I am nonstop social, academics, and sports. That's it. Where does God come in? Sure, i pray. I talk to God, I'm always talking to Him, but I just feel like somethings missing.

For me, i think that something (honestly) is blogging. I tend to just dump it all out, but while doing it I just relate myself to how my life is all about Him, or how it should be. For others, they get closer when they sing, or they do art, because they do it for Him. I never EVER want to forget that every single move I make, breath I take, thing I do, it's ALL for Him. All of it, especially when I don't know it. I'm all living the life that he sculpted for me.

Every move I make
I make in You
You make me move, Jesus
Every breath I take
I breathe in You

I personally love that song, but it may just be me. I think it really relates to the vibe I'm feeling in this particular entry, though. I dont really know how this sounds, because I'm exhausted, I just have all these emotions bouncing off the walls inside my head and I'm just trying to fit them into words.

That's no excuse.

I've been aching lately, just randomly. My wrist hurt like crazy for a while because of tennis, my foot & ankle has been hurting, my head, and my shoulder is on and off too, and I feel like thats a good comparison. I feel this pain, but it keeps me motivated. It keeps me motivated to work my muscles harder in tennis so they will be less vulnerable to the pain that comes with overworking it. Maybe we feel pain. Pain of those occasional struggles that come in following Christ, or the pain when you feel He has abandoned you (which is false, and will never happen). Instead of just sitting there, we work harder. We try to get closer to Jesus. We praise God even more, and we grow stronger. We work through the pain, and become less vulnerable to it.

There will always be pain, we know that. You can compare that to my tennis pain again, if you want to, no matter how much practice i get, I can still get injured. Not that I want to, that'd hurt.. a lot. I feel like I'm drifting towards my friend James (amazing kid, hes like a really tall brother who's closer to my age), and so instead of continuing, I'll just send you the link to his: http://www.funnybecause.blogspot.com/

To sum things up, we do it. We keep pushing on. And although we partially do it so the pain goes away, we really only do it to get closer to Him. We do it for Him.

James 4:10
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.