Monday, December 13, 2010

Just Another Drop In The Bucket

1:28 to 1:37 is just inspiring to me. When I first saw it, I grabbed my mouth in shock and couldn't even focus on reality. Just a small, small portion of what we spend trying to find the "perfect gift" for Mom, Dad, and Suzie could fix the clean-water issue.
Which just happens to be the leading cause of death.

Now what do you think would make Jesus happier, a new toy that will be out of style in one month, or to save countless lives? This Christmas, coming up, keep that in mind. Go ahead, get your gifts. I'm not going to lie, I love buying people gifts, because I love to see their faces when they open them, but I wish there was something more i could do. STRIKE THAT. There is something I can do. There's something we ALL can do. There are organizations locally, nationally, and globally that work together to solve thirst. We can become a part of one. This isn't impossible.

We may be just one drop of water in the bucket, but if all those drops join together it becomes clean water. Clean healing water.

Sorry for the horrible, horrible comparison. I just had to.

Speaking of drops in the bucket, today I had my audition for a musical, if you know me, go ahead and ask what it's about, but it really isn't relative to this particular blog. What I sang, however, is. You MOST LIKELY know this song:

525,600 Minutes
525,000 Moments so dear
525,600 Minutes
How do you measure- measure a year?

My apologies if you have not heard that song. It's called Seasons of Love from RENT. But my point is we have five hundred twenty five thousand, and six hundred minutes in one year. Which doesn't sound like much if you think about it. 60 seconds in one minute. 60 minutes in one hour. 24 hours in one day. 7 days in one week. 4 weeks in one month. 12 months in one year, and who knows how many years in a life, even? We can't define it by numbers constantly. You don't see anyone walking down the streets saying "Hey, theres 2,600 minutes left in 2010!" or "Excuse me, have we hit 500 minutes yet?" Otherwise, we would be constantly jumping to the next second. Minute. Hour. Day, so on, so forth. We already do that a little now, why do it anymore? We need to live in the moment, and in that moment we have to FOCUS ON CHRIST.

I go back and look through my old blogs once in a blue moon to see if I've gotten any feedback. It helps me to know if I'm making a difference for anybody. If I'm helping anybody. Or at best, how I CAN help somebody. That's why I'm here, really. I noticed that right before school started I posted a blog entitled FOG, if I'm correct. Focus On God.

Be honest with yourself now, have you been doing that?

Christmas is around the corner. Counting the days, especially if you have one of those ornaments from Hallmark that does it for you (guilty!), but only a few times in this season do we really sit back and think "Wow. This is just beautiful. My family's coming together. There's a beautifully decorated tree, with some presents under it. There's music playing, and we're about to celebrate Jesus' birth." We should be constantly thinking that.

New Years is coming up shortly after. Make your New Years Resolution this:
In 2011 I'm going to focus on God
Whatever drama may come I hand over to God
Whatever may cause me stress I hand over to God
And I know that by putting all my trust and faith in God
He will follow through for me
Because he's absolutely always with me

happy holidays

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