Monday, August 9, 2010


Wow. This may be the longest I've gone without blogging, and I'm sorry. I've just been caught up in chaos and couldn't think of something that was enough to tell you guys about. Well as you know, the new school year is coming up. Some people are starting any day, I am starting in two weeks. But its still an anxious time for everyone. Everybody is driving out to the nearest target to go pick up all the notebook and folders and pencils and pens. All high schoolers are getting there schedules and trying to figure out who's in who's class. It's hectic. We lose track of time. We're trying out for sports, doing the summer reading and assignments we should've done a month ago. That's what our focus is on. But we can't forget what is SUPPOSED TO BE our focus. God. We know this, I've said it just about a thousand times on here, but it's because that needs to stick with us.

"So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Isaiah 41:10

In Pure Fashion we went to a speech class. In that speech class, we were taught that something will stick in your head once you hear it 7 times. Something will stick in your head once you hear it 7 times. It'll stick in your head once you hear it 7 times. 7 times. 7 times. Once you hear it 7 times, it will stick. 7 TIMES. You're probably tired of that, but now you can remember it, right? It's like in the Verizon commercials. "Can you hear me now?" that sticks with you. So why shouldn't this stick with you? Focus On God. FOG. Can you remember that? I can, and I will. I might right it on my binder this year or post it on a post-it in my locker or right it on my tennis racket somewhere so that no matter HOW hectic my life is getting this school-year, I'll remember to Focus On God.

I've done so much this summer. I'm proud to say this has been the best summer i have ever had. I didn't do everything I wanted, but I met people that I may or may not ever see again- but they changed my life and to this day I still talk to them. I've been on trips to waterparks with my church, hung out with close friends, and went on an unforgettable mission trip where I met just a ton of people who will never leave my heart. I also went to an inspiring concert performed by a guitar player who has no arms, went to Virginia, met unbelievably great people and visited family in Minnesota, and made the school tennis team, making even more friends (that I'll see in just a few hours). I have an interview in two days, on my cousin and brother's birthday, to be on the council for the high school youth group for my church. It'll be just like a reunion seeing everyone again. And I couldn't be happier.

"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life,
to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession
in the presence of many witnesses."

1 Timothy 6:12

The main reason that I LOVED summer 2010 is that I grew relationships with amazing people, and made my relationship with God stronger than it has EVER BEEN. And I'm psyched to help others grow in faith, too. I'll be teaching 1st graders (as a junior teacher) this year in Sunday school. It'll be my second year teaching and it's just making my life better. It's nice to know that I'm especially more happy when I'm closer to God then I am when I push Him away. Remember that- I promise I'm not going to say THAT 7 times. I already went through THAT point. What I'm trying to say is this:
  • FOG: Focus On God
  • Make the most of what you have, but always remember that He comes 1st.
  • Have a good year filled with friends, faith, and fun (I hope)
  • sometimes it won't be fun, following God. It'll get challenging and hard, but that's how we know it's wonderful. His reward for us isn't just HANDED to us. We have to earn it. He loves us no matter what, but we have to work for Him to really appreciate and understand all the undeserved stuff that He has given us.

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