Thursday, August 19, 2010


Sorry for the lack of posting in a total of nine days. I don't have a really good excuse, and I'm sorry. I'm working on it. Maybe I'll make it part of me "homework" now that school is about to start up. But there has been a lot going on in the past 10 days. Lets see, I helped my friend Claire (who I LOVE) move and also stayed with her in her first night ever with her own room, I've been busy in tennis (especially with our first match next week, trying to improve to get a higher rank), and I have also had personal things on my plate. I had a youth council interview last week and it was more of a reunion because I saw loved ones and talked to Georgie who has always been someone I can look up too, I went to an amazing concert by two people my whole family loves, and this weekend I'm going on a youth group retreat to build leadership. So I guess there has been a lot going on, but I'll let you know i NEVER stopped praying. God was always most important. No matter what.

I have this cross thats right at the top of the stairs. So you go up the stairs, and if you're looking straight you see the cross RIGHT AWAY. I like that. It reminds me every time I go up to my room, and every time I go downstairs to get a snack or watch TV I always see it. I always think to myself "Amen." as in "yes." as in I am here. and I am here to do as you wish. Just help to guide me so I follow your amazing path into the perfect me you imagine. Even though I will never reach the highest standards I have for him, he still thinks I am perfect, just the way I am. And this is something I need to remember because a few minutes ago me and my friend were trying a home-remedy to cure acne. He loves me no matter if I have acne, no matter if I'm having "boy problems" or if things aren't going how i want them to. They're not supposed to go how I want them to. That's not what happens. I'm here to do what HE wants me to do. I just forget that sometimes. So I guess that cross and that simple "Amen" helps me to remember I'm here because, for, and with Him.

Along with all the other things I'm striving for in life, like to perfect my serve and aim in tennis, silly appearance & crushes, good grades, getting better musically, figuring out if I'm on student council, working in my church youth group council, and being a good friend, I also have a number 1 goal.

Top 10 Goals:
10. Hopefully, make student council
9. Work on my aim in tennis
8. Work on guitar
7. Perfect serve in tennis
6. Work on piano
5. Work on singing
4. Good Grades and whatnot in school this year
3. Be an amazing friend and help everyone I can, no matter how I feel about them.
2. Do my best in my church youth group council (total youth council)
1. Strive always to be who He plans for me to be, no matter how challenging or great it is. Because He will be there for me every single step of the way.

As i wrote that last one (by the way, 10 is least important all the way to 1. which is by far especially greatly more important) i was looking at that cross. I'm glad that's in my house in a place where I see it so often. I need that reminder. That's pretty sad, but true. Sometimes we forget, because we know we're not perfect but we try to be, that we need Him. He is the only cure. Whether it's a ring from a mission trip, a cross, a quote or verse you can never forget, we all have something that reminds us. It's not a bad thing, even though He should always be on our minds. It's a great thing that even though we DO forget, we try everything to help ourselves remember always. I will always remember. He's always been there for me. I never give up on God because if I'm a tough spot in life He WANTS ME to be there. He wants me to learn from it, or use Him to get through it. Or He wants me to wait for the better outcome. He is the reason.

John 14:6

Jesus replied, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

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