Monday, August 30, 2010


Seriously? What is UP with this? It seems the more posts I have, the less often I post. This can't keep on, it won't. I promise. Let me say why: I've been flooded with school starting and tennis, but I've got a hold of it now and I will still blog. I promise:) scouts honor.

ANYWAYS... yesterday i stayed up later than needed because an amazing friend of me... who we will call Jinglydoodle, (he knows that's him, trust me) on just some personal troubles I've been having. It's nothing new, so if you know me dont feel as if you need to come to me saying "OH NO EMMA, WHATS WRONG. ARE YOU OKAY? OH BOY. WHATS WRONG?" please dont. I mean, i respect the love and all and it's great that you care that much but it's just the usual venting scenario. Anyways, jinglydoodle and I were talking and it just let me know how good it is to have someone you can count on. Someone that won't judge you once you start pouring out to them. Someone that actually thinks the story your telling them is interesting, and they're begging to here the rest and reach out and help.

OHHH and to jinglydoodle: good luck.

Luckily, God has blessed me with many of these people. And I'm so SO greatful. Another thing that I know of for sure is that I need to be that kind of friend too. Show that kind of love towards my brothers and sisters in Him, and always be there for them. Because (not trying to steal James' recent blog theme ( check it out!), but I need to associate myself with the "right crowd" of friends. Wait no, scratch that. I need to be as connected with others as I can (especially to spread the good news), but I need to make sure they are REAL FRIENDS. As in, I can tell them anything without a doubt.

Be honest, how many facebook friends do you have? 352. Now how many of those could I hit "chat" on and pour my heart out to? Very few. Probably under 20. Maybe more, but that might be exaggerating. How many of those 352 do I sincerelly love to be with? maybe 200, but there are some times when even I feel like i need a break from some of them. Do you see how bad that list is? Don't get me wrong, I try and socialize with my facebook friends so I do not delete them. I like to know I have an oppurtunity at all times to socialize with someone i know that i might not even really "know" that well.

Let me know later if this makes no sense.

But anyways, in school starting this year especially, we need to know that. Expect a long rambly (like always) classic blog TOMORROW, but I have a test to study for... :/ goodnight every body. Thank you, God, for FINALLY helping me to type this up. :) Bye guys.

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