Thursday, October 14, 2010


This is overdue.

It's been exactly a month since I've blogged, I'll apologize and move on right away because why waste all of my blogs apologizing? There less often now, let's take advantage of them:)

So yesterday this thing pretty much came to me when I was laying in bed getting ready to fall asleep. It was just this thought that hit me like a train. And it made me wonder why i had never thought of it before. It's pretty obvious, so I might sound dumb, but I'm talking about self esteem.

Yeah, go ahead. Make your judgements, but I'm serious here when I say it. We all suffer from self esteem.
It's either too low, or too high. Too low, and you don't see yourself as the beautiful perfect you that God created and wants you to be. Too high and you think you are above everyone, and/or your dont respect that you are merely human, which doesnt even compare to Jesus Christ. We need to find a common ground, a place where we can say- okay. I am not perfect, but i am beautiful, i am made in His image, and i am His own. Can we do that?

Most people have a problem with looks. I personally am fine with my looks, i dont think I'm gorgeous, but i know this is how God wants me to look. Don't get me wrong, i'm all for wanting to dye my hair. Seriously, I am, but I dont complain all day about how i have this flaw, and that flaw, and so on and so forth. Not. My. Thing. I do have a problem with venting though, and if you ask any of my very close friends they'll agree with that. I'm not going to say what i vent about, ask me & I'll tell you, but it's gotten to the point where the majority of my conversations with some friends are all about the latest news and how much i need to vent it. it helps me, but it kills that relationship. I need some common ground with that too. Just thought I'd put that point across.

So this month has so much going on.
Pro-Life stuff all around (JOIN IN!)
Standing up for gay teenagers (remembering those that committed suicide as a result of bullying)
Breast Cancer Awareness month
today was actually pink day at my school, everyone wore pink as a way to support awareness

In the hustle and bustle of all this, dont forget one important word:
I'll leave it at that, actually, because I HATE rambling, and once again, I'm sorry for the lack of posting.
James will be very pleased to see I posted this.

Goodnight all(:
and dont worry, I'm a little rusty, but theres a deep one coming- i can feel it :)

I'm in the middle of writing a blog. It's been a month, I'm also studying at the same time while talking to some friends and trying not to fall asleep in the midst of it. I missed blogging though. Every night almost i would think to myself, what should i be blogging about right now? It's good to be back.


Georgie Tamayo Clemens said...

really GOOD Emma! I'm so impressed with your wisdom at such a young age!! You GO girl!

Emma K said...

thank you so much Georgie:)