Wednesday, October 20, 2010


You may have known this, depending on if you are pro-life or not, (hopefully you are) but yesterday October 19, 2010, was the 2010 Pro-Life Day of Silence and Solidarity. It's pretty much saying this:
babies are silenced forever without a voice
they dont have a say in their mother's "choice" to end their life or not
they dont have a choice or a voice
can you give up your voice for one day for those who will never have one?

I cheated a bit. I talked at home when i was only with my mom and dad, because they get the point and they are very strongly pro-life too, but at school i stayed silent the whole day. I think i slipped up a total of 3 times? But i immediately caught myself, put my hand over my mouth, and stayed silent.

If you know me, you know that silence is a difficult goal for me. Nobody thought I could do it. Or they didnt think I'd be able to make it past first period. But i did it. Not only was it a HUGE accomplishment for me, and it came with a good feeling that I cant even explain, but it got a lot of people to ask me about it and to read the abortion papers. They wouldnt have read them if i had just came up to their lunch table and said "HEY! You should totally read this, it's what I believe in and I support it with all of my heart."

That's. Just. Words.

You have to show them that you mean it, that this is what you feel & you will do anything to support it. That's what everyone participating in this did. You either had duct tape on your mouth or shoulder or even shirt (mine was on my shirt), preferably red (mine was gray, :/ had no red), with the word LIFE on it. When people do this, especially very talkative ones, it causes you to thing- why aren't they talking. especially if they ask you a question, and you respond by nodding your head or motioning your hands. They know somethings up. I just love this cause, my favorite one that I've ever done. I'm willing to do it again, whenever. All of my teachers agreed that it was okay before the date and didn't ask me to do anything that required talking, i actually got to sit out of a debate in class because it would involve talking. If my teachers read this for some reason, thank you.

I didn't want to post this last night, on the actual day, because I figured- this is my voice. This is how i spread His good news, and how i talk about all my encounters with Christ. If i'm not supposed to have my voice for one day, blogging doesn't support that.

I'm in the middle of a miracle. Being involved in this subject has been just that. I'm looking forward to March For Life in the upcoming year, and growing even stronger with my beliefs against abortion. To learn more, just chat me- you know where to find me. Or comment! :)

OH, and to James (jinglydoodle) and Katrina, Amanda, Claire, and anyone else who participated in this, I am so proud of you:) you did a great thing and keep it up guys. Love always.

But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear ; do not be frightened."
Take Courage

1 Peter 3:14

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