Saturday, July 16, 2011

One Year

Okay. So... this tops the cake. I've gone several months without blogging BUT I'm back.
Yesterday I got back from my 3rd mission trip. This is significant for two reasons
-last year when I got back from mission trip (thanks to James and Trina) I started this blog
-this year we went to a Catholic work camp (as opposed to all Christian) It had its ups and downs.

We are at Jesus' disposal.

If he wants you to be sick in bed, if he wants you to proclaim His work in the street, if he wants you to clean the toilets all day, that's all right, everything is all right.

We must say, "I belong to you. You can do whatever you like."

And this our strength, and this is the joy of the Lord.

-- Mother Teresa

I love that. On mission trips you're put into a new environment that isn't as comfortable as what you're used to. You do what he asks of you. You're given a requirement for where you working. You don't say "No, sorry. I don't like to paint. Can you put me inside and I can play with the kids?" He has a plan. You do His will. We have to give ourselves up to Him and trust in Him.

Sorry about the short, shabby post. I'll get back into this and we'll have it running like it used to in no time.

I'm in the middle of recovering. I've learned I have a lot to do to get closer to God, and this should help.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011



Oh boy. That's always supposed to be a challenge that comes hand in hand with Lent, because we're supposed to give something up. But really, it's an eye opener. It makes you think, "what am I really to unattached to?" When I started to think about things to give up, Facebook popped into my mind. If you know me, and you're my friend on facebook, you KNOW I use it a lot. Way too much. I tried to find ways to give up only a part of facebook, or for a restricted time. That just made me know even more that I had to give it up. I had to put my best foot forward and give up what was distracting me... just for forty days.

Not even. I'm going to use it a little on Sundays, which is almost like cheating. For no more than fifteen minutes though. What I'm trying to say here is I'm giving up my biggest "addiction". What are you doing?

I know some high schooler who are giving up facebook too, or cussing, or soda, or even sugar (like desserts). I'm here for them every step of the way. Some of them aren't even Christian, they just know they need to get out those distractions so they can get rid of those distractions. Once we, as Christians, get rid of distractions we can focus on God SO MUCH MORE.

I remember before school started, I made a post called FOG: all about focusing on God. I want to get back to that.

Good luck on Lent, guys!
Expect more frequent posts!
Love, Emma

I'm in the middle of a challenge, what's yours?

Monday, February 28, 2011



the quality of beingauthentic;genuineness.

What do you find to be "authentic?" Do you think about the authenticity of a song you have on your iPod? The labels on the clothes you wear? The authorization on works of art, literature, or otherwise? What about religion? Do you ever associate those words together? I can't believe I'm about to say this, but the following was found on Facebook:

You can't just stand in a garage and say "I'm a car."
You can't just stand in a church and say "I'm a Christian."

Being Christian is so much more than a label. Christianity was illegal before it was as hugely popular as it is now. Back when it Christianity was strictly Catholicism, it would be worth the death penalty if you were found to be Catholic. People would secretly go and preach to each other and follow their religion because it was worth it.

They didn't care that if they were caught they could be put to death. That's dedication. On that note, I'm going to contradict myself. I love the sincerity when someone says they would die for a cause or someone, but I think it's somuch more effective to say that you would live for a cause. Dying for something is powerful-and it says something, but a life is so fragile and important that it's worth so much more to dedicate your life to something.

Now think of it like this, Jesus did both. Jesus gave up His whole life devoted to preach God's word to those of all classes. He made miracles happen with nothing but prayer and mud. If that wasn't amazing enough already, He gave up His life for a bunch of rebels who didn't even know Him. Could you die for a stranger? Could you live for a stranger? Could you die for a foe? Could youlive for them? Family, friends, and loved ones it's easy to say yes, I would lay down my life for them. Now what if it weren't someone you were close to, knew, or even liked. That makes things harder. Jesus would have no problem with it. That is love.

God is love, and God is inside of all of us. So it's a mind-boggling thought to think that even if someone is horrible to you, God is inside their heart. God loves them, even if you don't. The song I'm listening to right now is actually helping me to prove my point-

"Jesus paid much to high a price
for us to pick and choose who to come,
and we are the Body of Christ"
-If we Are the Body
-Casting Crowns

To love God is to love both your friends and enemies. God is in all of us, and we don't get to just go around and say... oh they don't count. They do. They're beautiful to God; they're amazing, and perfect. So are you. Love them, even if you don't get the same reaction. At the very least, pray for them.

I've been absent for quite some time, and it's been tearing me apart. But one thing that hasn't changed is my ability to completely change subjects without realizing it. Back on track, though, to love everyone- neighbors and enemies alike- is not only one of the Ten Commandments, but it is a decent definition for Christian Authenticity. As Christians, we are followers of Christ. We know that. Christ preached about how amazing and truly awesome His Father, God, is. God is love. We are God's children, let's act like it.

I'm in the middle of feeling horrible. I haven't blogged since New Years... and none of my blog posts have been "me". That's not who I am, that's just me trying to be a stereotypical blogger. I'm getting back into the groove, though. I promise. I'm listening to my Christian peers and it's helping me to grow even deeper in faith, closer to Him. It's great to be back. (:

Sunday, January 2, 2011

My New Years Resolution

3... 2.. 1. HAPPY NEW YEARS!

You were either living this, watching this, or dreaming about this last night at midnight. New Years is significant for basically it's name- it's the start of a new year. It gives us a chance to mark a day to start fresh.

For You Entertainment: Some Common New Years Resolutions
  • I'm going to lose weight!
  • I'm going to make more money!
  • I'm going to fall in love!
  • I'm going to fall in love by making money and losing weight!
  • I'm going to get 100s on every single grade!
  • I'm going to be prom queen/king!
  • I'm going to go to church every week again!
  • I'm going to be a better person!
  • I'm going to make friends!
  • I wont bite people (metaphorically, or literally)!

New Years Resolutions of MINE
  • Focus better in school [grades, tests]
  • Enjoy the new season of Pure Fashion (yay!)
  • Jealousy- work on it
  • Blogging better/more often- work on it
  • Have Jesus Christ as my number one goal in life
  • To be Christlike in all that I do
  • Sleep- work on that [which is why I must conclude]

Those are MY Resolutions. What are yours?
BY THE WAY: Here's a tidbit of information you might find interesting(:

For lent, I'm planning to give up Facebook.

Goodnight Everyone, God Bless :)

Matthew 16:24
“hen said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”