Wednesday, December 22, 2010
On the 4th Day of Christmas...
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
On the 3rd Day of Christmas...
Monday, December 20, 2010
On the 2nd Day of Christmas...
(1 Peter 2:2-3 ESV)
Monday, December 13, 2010
Just Another Drop In The Bucket
1:28 to 1:37 is just inspiring to me. When I first saw it, I grabbed my mouth in shock and couldn't even focus on reality. Just a small, small portion of what we spend trying to find the "perfect gift" for Mom, Dad, and Suzie could fix the clean-water issue.
Which just happens to be the leading cause of death.
Now what do you think would make Jesus happier, a new toy that will be out of style in one month, or to save countless lives? This Christmas, coming up, keep that in mind. Go ahead, get your gifts. I'm not going to lie, I love buying people gifts, because I love to see their faces when they open them, but I wish there was something more i could do. STRIKE THAT. There is something I can do. There's something we ALL can do. There are organizations locally, nationally, and globally that work together to solve thirst. We can become a part of one. This isn't impossible.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Misguided Ghosts
Misguided Ghosts
Paramore. They are my favorite band- end of story. This is a song that I’ve been listening to, and I’m going to kind of weave through the lyrics, because although it is not technically a Christian band, they are all Christian and I’m easily relating this song to our faith. Hope you enjoy.
I’m going away for a while
But I’ll be back, don’t try and follow me
‘Cause I’ll return as soon as possible
You see, I’m trying to find my place
But it might not be here, where I feel safe
At some point we all have just had enough. We all have wanted to just leave, not having anyone worry about us, or have to follow us. Just to be one with God and just recollect ourselves.
We all learn to make mistakes
And run from them, from them
With no direction
That is so, so true. We all have made mistakes. Big and small. We’ve made mistakes today alone, and we want to take them all back. I’m especially guilty of this. We don’t do anything about them, though. We run from them. What are we running to? We don’t have any specific place or reason for it. We just want to get out of the possible pain, we’re the same way when it comes to doing the right thing in God’s name. And run from them, from them, with no direction.
We’ll run from them, from them
With no conviction
conviction |kÉ™nˈvik sh É™n|noun1 a formal declaration that someone is guilty of a criminal offense, made by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law : she had a previous conviction for a similar offense.2 a firmly held belief or opinion : his conviction that the death was no accident| she takes pride in stating her political convictions. See note at opinion .• the quality of showing that one is firmly convinced of what one believes or says : his voice lacked conviction.ORIGIN late Middle English : from Latin convictio(n-), from the verbconvincere (see convince ).
We don’t want to be guilty, even when we are sure we are. Peter denied Jesus 3 times, even after promising he wouldn’t, just because he didn’t want to face the pain that would come if he had stuck by Him. The stronger guilt was the one after, though.
‘Cause I’m just one of those ghosts, traveling endlessly
Don’t need no roads, in fact they follow me
And we just go in circles
This part, because of why Hayley Williams wrote this song, stands out to me. She doesn’t like the fact that people want to be just like her, that people want to be her because she’s famous. She’s just a person, or as she put’s it, a ghost. Traveling endlessly: always moving, always looking for whats coming next. The next line, Don’t need no roads, in fact they follow me, is intriguing to me. I want to say what it means to me is she’s not following any persons footsteps. And we just go in circles: life is just confusing, if you haven’t figured it out by now. Sometimes it feels like we’re just going around in circles. That we have no point in life but to just walk around and mark our own roads, but we do. It’s etched out by God. The only roads we need to follow are the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
But now I’m told that this is life
And pain is just a simple compromise
So we can get what we want out of it
Have you ever felt that way? Not necessarily depressed, even though you might have known someone in the past that was depressed, but to the point where all you felt was pain? Or that the only way to get through life was by suffering to be happy? Don’t get me wrong, when you follow Him there are costs, but they are all worth it. It’s not meaning how it does above when it’s saying pain is a compromise to get a little bit of joy out of life, that’s not how it works. We’re not looking for joy, we’re looking for salvation in the name of Jesus Christ.
Would someone care to classify
I’ve broken hearts, and twisted mine
So I can find someone to rely on
And run to them, to them
Full speed ahead
Everyone reading this has at some point had a broken heart. Don’t deny it, and chances are you may have broken someone elses, even if you don’t know it. By going through and getting your heart broken, or by falling for someone and it doesn’t work out, you’re twisting your own heart, you’re breaking yourself down. We all have someone to rely on though. I definitely do, whenever I need to vent, laugh, cry or just talk, I always know who to count on. Who to run to, full speed ahead. Have you ever thought to run to God though? To pray. He’s always there. His phone wont ever be dead, or out of minutes for texting or calling, He wont ever be logged off of Facebook, He’s there for you when you reach out to Him in silence and prayer. Full speed ahead.
Oh, you are not useless
We are just misguided ghosts
Traveling endlessly
This is referring to two different things I’ve mentioned. Feeling like you have no purpose, and then referring back to what I said about Hayley saying she was a ghost.
We do have a purpose, we all do. Oh, you are not useless. We are “misguided ghosts”- we don’t know our purpose yet. That’s why we “travel endlessly” looking for what in the world we are supposed to be doing. Just travel in the way that He has laid out for you and you will most definitely find your place.
The ones we trusted the most
Pushed us far away
Have you ever lost a friend? I have. And I wish I didn’t have to say that, because it’s horrible losing someone. Especially when you trusted them with all of your heart and then you got so distant that you barely spoke.
God wont ever push us away, it’s only us that pushes Him away.
And there’s no one road
We should not be the same
How many times have I mentioned this in previous blogs? It’s important: we are NOT supposed to be the same. Otherwise God would’ve made us like that. If we are all supposed to look like we all had plastic surgery 200 times, He would’ve made us to look like that, act like we were all the same, think like it, and overall just be the same. But we’re not! We all have talents, gifts, purposes that is our own unique thing. No other has the same exact gifts as you, and you are important. You are your own self. Don’t forget it or deny it. Embrace it. Love it, after all God shaped you in his image, didn’t he?
But I’m just a ghost
And still they echo me
They echo me in circles
Last time, Hayley repeats that she’s just a person, and that people still strive to be like her. They want to live the life that she lives and fulfill the purpose that she has, while she’s still going in circles trying to figure it out. They’re just echoing her, and her circles. And it doesn’t help anyone.
I’m in the middle of a road-trip back home, no I’m not referring to the song. If you are very observant you’ve noticed that I typed up two blogs in one day. This is probably being posted on a Monday or Tuesday, however it’s Sunday at around 3 right now. I just couldn’t wait to get this out. I hope it meant to you as much as it did to me.
Oh, you are not useless
We are just misguided ghosts.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
So right now I’m in a car far from home, not even halfway there. I was up in DC this weekend with most of my immediate family for a special occasion, but that has nothing to do with this. I just wanted to post this to say that throughout all of our life, everyday even, we have findings and realizations. Some are small, and some life changing.
I’ve had a lot of the life-changing ones recently. Whether it’s who I am, how I want to dress, who I want to hang out with, what I want to do with my life, music, or greater than all others, how strong I am with my faith. I’ve had a lot of people ask me questions about my faith, and I’ve had a lot “diss”, if you will, my beliefs, as in anti-abortion (pro-life) and the fact that I am Catholic. It does NOT change me, it does NOT break me, and it never will. With little things like fashion, I’m just finding out what I like to wear, if someone comes in wearing the new trends from Hollister I’m not going to freak out and go change how I dress. Sorry if you do that, I’m not trying to be offensive, it’s just not me. Nor do I change a belief of mine, or how strong my religion is because someone tries to shoot it down.
Don’t let it shoot you down. If everyone got shot down after one blow at something they believed in, where would be? I know you’ve heard this a million times, so what’s one more going to hurt- Martin Luther King Jr., if he stopped fighting for his rights once someone told him he wouldn’t get them, where would we be? If Jesus had stopped once persecuted I wouldn’t even be here today typing this up on Microsoft Word. We can’t lose hope once someone doesn’t agree with us; we need to know this.
Wow, I got a little off topic; I tend to do that.
Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience.
I’m in the middle of some highway in (I think?) Virginia, I’ve missed it here. I used to live in this area, and a few hours up is where my first mission trip was. Soon enough I’ll be back home and I’ll be going to my church. It’s been a long weekend, and I’m so glad I’m stuck in this car right now because I’ve FINALLY had the chance to just belt out, let it loose, and I couldn’t be happier.
Love always.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Take Courage
1 Peter 3:14
Sunday, October 17, 2010
New Perspective
Be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead!
- I Peter 1:6
- Hebrews 13:5,6
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I Do It For You
Monday, August 30, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
John 14:6
Jesus replied, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. |