Thursday, July 15, 2010


Sorry for the lack of cool fonts, colors, and decorations (oh my!) but i'm currently "on location" in MN :)

On the flight here, however, i did my normal thing. Opened some skittles, read a little, and turned into my ipod. Time went by pretty fast. Eventually, though, my ears were popping so much I could barely here my music, so i turned it off and just listened to those around me. It was pretty quiet other than what sounded like 2 young boys behind me. They weren't talking about cooties or pokemon or anything, though. They were discussing where we were, what types of buildings we were passing, the machinery of the plane, and more stuff that i was surprised they knew. I heard some stuff i didnt even know. I turned around once we landed and said hi to one of them. They both looked 6- tops. I talked to them (nothing much) for maybe 2 minutes. The dad kept glancing over to make sure everything was okay, but the boys were sweet as can be. I said goodbye and turned back around.

Once they were getting of the plane i told them to have fun in Washington (where they were going), and one of the little boys turned around, smiled, and said bye. It got quiet and we all just kinda went back to our business and the other one whispered "thanks".

I dont know, something about this touched me. Like, children are so carefree and so they have time to focus on REAL THINGS. Not whats new with the latest crushes or celebrities. Also like these children focus on real things (along with normal little kid stuff), we as the children of God need to focus on real things- Him and His plans for us.

Cant we do just that?

Throughout whole life, no matter what age we are we are His children. And he is our Father. We need to remember that and do what we know He wants us to, for Him.

I'm in the middle of MN right now. I'm going to be working with children tomorrow, then seeing loved ones and family for another week and a half. So I'll be working on still beingg myself, but also a child, still, inside. Which wont be TOO hard. :)

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