Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Nike Rule

In seventh and eighth grade, I had a science teacher who had a few class rules. One of them was called the nike rule. The description was "just do it"- meaning whenever he asked you do help out in class, just do it. It's a good rule, especially to get people to be attentive and cooperate. That's pretty effective, I'd say. What if we acted like that outside of school classes though? If we just "did" without thinking. If we just went on with our lives without being the cautious people we normally are. If instead of planning out every single moment in our lives and debating for hours over a simple question... we just did it.

A lot of people have told me follow your gut. That didn't really hit me that your gut is right most of the time. I guess i've just come across circumstances where my gut told me to do something and I followed the opposite path and in the long run it turned out bad. I'd learned from those mistakes and most of the time now I'm glad to say that I do follow my gut. And that makes me feel pretty good because I know inside of me that God is working through me at all times, and my listening to my gut instinct, so to speak, I'm doing what I am almost positive he wants for me.

Like I was saying, though, if we lived in a world where we followed the nike rule all the time, would our world be better? I think it's safe to say that we need impulsive and stupid decisions but also slow and careful decisions made in our life time. Actually, some of us need to make them a lot. Because in making these decisions we learn and we have the opportunity to grow closer to God in the process of recovery.
okay its confession time. Everything above these words was written at about 1 am. Then I fell asleep with my computer on my lap and just woke up now, so I'm sorry!!

Well now i'm kinda out of the zone because i had everything in my head before I fell asleep, so I guess i'll wrap this one up until next time. I'm in the middle, right now, of figuring things out. I'm going through some stuff, not as serious as other people, but I still am. And I've been thinking for such a long time on which decision I should make, because I want to make sure it's the right one. But now I'm learning ( thanks to my friend Trina's blog) that no matter what step I take He'll be there for me. If I land somewhere in a dead end, He'll help me to get out of there; to find out how to grow closer to Him and His plans for me, because they're great.

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