Monday, July 12, 2010


My cousin, Koryn, sent me a link on facebook yesterday. It was to a youtube video on a girl who normally talks about make up taking a break to do a video on respecting yourself. I thought it was a great video, I'd actually suggest it to all teenage girls,
But it also made me think about respecting the you that God wanted you to be, the saint you. The you that God has amazing plans for. I'm in an organization called Pure Fashion. It's a Christian organization based on modeling in a modest but "cute" way that is, well, dressing to impress God. It's a great thing and I loved doing it, because it brought me closer to my faith and really changed who I was and put me in a better direction. The direction that God wants me to go in. It makes me so happy to know that I'm going in a path that will help me live my life for Him.

It's sometimes hard to respect ourselves and others in the world we live in today, though. It's horrible. We're all taught how we are supposed to look, act, dress, and what we should listen to and like in order to be part of a crowd that makes "everyone like you". But that doesn't mean your respect yourself just because people like an artificial you. Artificial. Think of that word, it makes you sound like a toy, made for perfection. Made to make people happy, right? We're not toys though, we're made in God's image. For what he wanted us to be. Which is definitely not perfect. We have flaws, we're supposed to though. And we need to respect ourselves with our flaws, and not throw ourselves around carelessly and recklessly for others or with others. We also need to respect those around us with their flaws, and move on to respecting Him and serving and loving Him. That's what it's all about, isn't it?
James 1:19-20
My dear brothers, take note of this:
Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,
for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.

So sorry its so short, its 2:30 AM and I'm ridiculously tired, but I wanted to make this post. Sorry if i keep saying "Respect" too, its kinda the theme :)

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