Friday, July 9, 2010

First Post

Well it's officially too late for me to be up on a blog writing words that people may never read, but I still feel like i should be doing this.

I was talking to my friend that I met on a work-camp for some time today and learned he made a blog and I read it. It was amazing, and it opened myself up in ways I couldn't imagine. This happened at the work-camp too, where I would open up to myself and just ask myself why I didn't always feel how I did at that moment.

And ever since these moments I've been trying to change how I act. What I do. Lately I've been dealing with some friends that are changing in different ways and I know for a fact that I should help a great deal of them, and then the question in my head just lingers- should I back out to save myself from falling into their path, or should I risk my own well being to help them however I can.
The answer is clear to me now, and I realize how much Jesus put down for me, I should be able to risk a little bit of embarrassment, or be able to not give in to peer pressure while helping someone. If this makes any sense, what I'm trying to get to is this-
ask yourself next time you come across a point where you're in the middle of a toughie if this cause needs you more than you need to feel secure 24/7.

okay once again- its my first post. its really late. and im a bit out of it, so im sorry if this doesnt completely click. i just wanted to say what was at my mind at the moment. i decided to call this blog the middle because im always in the middle of some sort of drama and we all deal with it in some way.

1 comment:

James Earley said...

Nice. :) I like your first post. It's cool that it talks about things happening in your life, and it relates those things to lessons we can all use. Props to you girl!