Saturday, July 10, 2010

Just Despicable

Today, I went to the movies with a friend. We saw the movie "Despicable Me". I guess you could say it was a good movie, but (of course) i came off with multiple views.

1. Grue sounds a LOT like shrek.

2. It is true that anyone can change.

3. We need to choose what's most important to us and know what we should sacrifice for others.

4. A positive outlook on things always helps any situation. And I mean any.

It kinda left a weird impression on me. Of course it was like Toy Story 3 where i thought, oh what a cute movie. Cute. The main character changes through out the movie from an evil guy who will make a little boy a balloon animal just to pop it in his face, to a guy who will give away the moon (literally) for a little girl who needs him. But it also left this feelings, much like a lot of other feelings i have, that lingers still.

Once again, i felt like i needed just to re-prioritize my outlooks and what comes first to me. Last year i really went through some changes. No, not the basic height stuff (but i did grow a lot), but i was discovering who i was. I joined an organization that focuses on dressings fashionably but modestly and that completely changed how I viewed everything, and brought me closer to my faith. But in the process i grew farther away from my closest friends at school who were traveling in the opposite direction. I went through it all and almost lost my friends multiple times, but figured out (and im still figuring out) that relationships and trends arent important. It's not my number 1 priority in life, and that the only relationship I need is with God, and that the only trend i need to follow is my faith, which is a trend that i will never let burn out in me.

Pretty deep for starting out on an animated movie, eh? I guess what i'm trying to say is this-

I'm still in the middle of growing up, maturing, and figuring out who I am. But I am realizing just by little things what is more important in my life to help me get through it in the direction that He has planned out for me.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Daniel 3:16-18

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