Saturday, July 17, 2010

Put Put

SORRY for the extremely short post last night. I didnt have access to a computer so i was texting it and that got old and I fell asleep, but I'm on a computer now and I'll try and make this one the regular size!

As I've said, I'm on a trip in MN for a few weeks visiting family. Today bright and early we went put putting. It kinda made me think a little, i mean- everything can be related to something else. I related something as simple as miniature golf to our life and goals. Think of it like this: in miniature golf you have your obstacles, your hills, your goals and successes, and points where you mess up SO many times that the scorer says "okay we'll just count it as this, no? let's move on to the next hole". If you think about it, that's a lot like our lives.

Let's start with the first hit in the first hole. The tensions on, you have something to prove. You want to at least make par. You want to at least be average, that's the goal. Be perfect- or at least average. Now relate that to life, maybe you want to fit in. Or you want to be the best at something, just admit it, it happens to all of us. That's just the beginning though, theres so much more in our life than the first put.

Now we have obstacles- maybe we're putting and we accidently go right into a pretend sand dune, or we hit the ball so hard it goes all the way up the hill, hits a rock, and comes back down- or for that matter maybe we run into some rocks along the way, or even just miss the hole. To make things easier here, I'm going to compare something- see the hole, your goal, as God and what He plans for you. That's what your going for. That's why your there. That's why we're HERE today, for Him, right? Well sometimes we make a few mistakes and run into a rock or we get caught in the middle of something funky, but we still are going for Him- that's still our goal. We might be concentrated at getting out of our problem at the moment, but the whole big deal is making it in the hole. Getting to God.

Once we realize that, we'll get through it a lot easier. If you focus really hard on your goal you can concentrate enough to go right to Him, even if you have to try a few times to get up some hills on a way. We can all do it. We need to all do it, so next time you go play put put (or miniature golf, if you call it that)- really think about this. Think about how the whole reason your out there is to get to the goal, Him. Points are one thing, we like to know we won- like to win a prize makes you feel accomplished, but the big great feeling is making it. Knowing you went through all of those obstacles, and finally in the final hole- you made it in. You made it to Him.

I'm in the middle of a library miles and miles away from home in Minnesota right now doing everything I can to make sure I have a decent internet server to write this blog in because I really, really want you guys to here it. It's my cousins birthday (happy birthday Ellie, if you're reading this!) and that's why I'm currently up in this state- for my family, to be with them. But the whole reason I'm here in GENERAL, is for Him.
So let me know what you think on the subject- and yes, i only thought of this comparison just today.
While playing put put.

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