Sunday, July 11, 2010


Who knows the story of The Good Samaritan?
A man was beaten and robbed and left on the side of a road. Two religious men passed him and walked on by, without offering to help or anything. The enemy of the man came and helped him up, took him to an inn, and took care of him. Then he paid the inn-keeper to take care of the man after he left. That story is about being a good neighbor to everyone.

I dont know why but that really stuck with me after church today that just lingered with me. Being a good neighbor to everybody, even if they consider you their enemy. I guess this is one of my favorites because it really reminds me that it doesnt matter what the latest gossip is, or if you're mad at someone, you need to be there for them as a neighbor. Nobody deserves to be left around needing help, and we should always be ready to help.

I recently (meaning yesterday) downloaded Give Me Your Eyes by Brandon Heath on itunes and let me say it's my favorite song of the day. It's got an amazing point, great beat, and it makes me think every time I listen to it. Here's the chorus:

Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me you heart for the ones forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see

I think the meaning of this song is just amazing. It's about noticing that you've been ignoring people, people that really need you. It's about trying to change that so you and everyone else become more like the good samaritan and help those in need. I guess that's kinda my theme of today, helping your neighbor? It really makes me feel like im back at a recent mission trip that i went to. Everyday there was a new theme that brought you closer to your faith, and i think this is a really good thing to look into and to ask yourself- who needs my help? even if i dont want to help them because i dont think they deserve it, need it, or that they'd appreciate it- who really needs my help?

I was put in the middle a situation kinda like this earlier this year. I learned my friend was harming themselves which upset me. I couldn't believe they would resort to doing that when there were so many other things they could do, like try and seek advice from friends. I was upset with that friend, but i knew they needed me. So instead of turning on them and giving them "the silent treatment" for doing that, i went and i talked to them every day and every second i could encouraging them on how they should really think of alternatives and there doing a lot better now, only because i was the only friend that instead of either ignoring them or just accepting it and moving on... tried to help.

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