Monday, July 26, 2010

The Reason

Sorry for my lack of posting recently. I’ve just been caught up with family here in Minnesota. Great state, to “ya’ll” who live here. ;) Anyways, I had a few things I decided I wanted to talk about so I guess I’ll just start and we’ll see where this all goes.

Well to start off with, I’m writing this Sunday night at 11:25 MN time. It’s just our power is out (scheduled for this to happen, though) for 4 hours. I can’t post it right now then, my phone says it’s too long (yeah I already tried texting it in) and I cant stay up that late. So this is being posted sometime on Monday, but written on Sunday. Try to wrap THAT around your head! But last night I was on facebook debating if I should blog or not while talking to James and something hit me- pure fashion. If you remember, I’ve mentioned it in at least 2 earlier posts. Props to you if you remembered, but I don’t think I’ve ever explained what pure fashion actually is. Just mentioned it.

Any mission trippers that are reading this might know Lauren or Claire from NC. They and I were in this organization together that involves fashion (yes) but its dressing appropriate and modest but still trendy, and then confidently. So pretty much dressing to impress the Lord. And of course we would have hair and makeup day and a huge fashion show (actually two) but I wont get into that part. I guess I just wanted to let you guys know that there are things like this. There are ways you can get involved with your faith if you don’t want to sing or lead a council. I guess that’s basically it for the pure fashion thing, but (since I’m limited on space) I’ll kinda try and wrap this up.

I was thinking today about something my sister told me earlier this year. We were studying things in science during the school year, and a lot was on how the world came to be. What really bothered me is my teacher would just say pretty much this is what happened. This and this only, and the textbook says it and scientists say it so this is what happened. Leading me to believe that he didn’t think God had any part in it. I was complaining to my sister (who is in her 20s) and she said that any thing and everything comes back to God. They say a supernova created all the planets. Okay, but where did the supernova come from? God. This just helps me feel a little better all the time knowing no matter what, God was the reason, is the reason, and will be the reason. He’s the reason we’re here and we’re living. We’re living for him, right? So lets do it. I guess I rambled which I tried not to do, but whatever. J

I’m in the middle of a power outage. It was planned. 10:30 exactly everything was zapped off. So I’m forced to type this on my phone. If this posts I’m extremely lucky. And so just (until next time) remember these key points

1. you can always be involved in your faith. Even if you don’t go through something like pure fashion.

2. God is the reason, the way, love, and just amazing.

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