Friday, July 30, 2010


So here I am, on an airplane. That’s right, in less then one hour I’ll be back in North Carolina. (on an afternote, i actually left the NC airport and drove straight to VA) Then driving straight up to Virginia. It’s nice to be going home, that’s for sure. But I’m DEFINITELY going to miss all the great times I had in Minnesota. “Yeah, you betcha.” It’s weird. I haven’t blogged in a few days only because I’ve been swarmed with family. My cousins (one family I think 6 children?) came to visit and even before that I was constantly busy. Any free time I took advantage of, but I never had enough time to just sit down without anyone really hounding me and just write. Which is what I love, writing. But I’m back now, anyways!

Right now I’m on the airplane to NC on my laptop on Microsoft word. Later I’m going to copy paste this whole thing on to Blogger, add some color, and post it. But I actually like being on this plane because I’m so isolated and I can just think. I have my headphones in, listening to my music, and just writing. My current song is Who Am I by Casting Crowns, really- you should listen to it. It’s just an amazing song. Here’s a clip:

I am a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow

A wave tossed in the ocean, a vapor in the wind

Still You hear me when I’m calling

Lord you catch me when I’m falling, and You’ve told me who I am

I am Yours.

I think that’s just a great song to think about. Like, just sit down and think- why am I here? I’m definitely not here to be breathing. I’m His. I’m here for Him. Casting Crowns, if you haven’t heard of them, is a great Christian band to check out, I especially like Who Am I, Does Anybody Hear Her, and If We Are The Body. But let’s go away from me advertising Christian music groups; I was talking to my friend James from my mission trip on facebook. I was on my way to the airport today and I got a text message saying that he posted something on my wall. He told me to listen to a song called A More Beautiful You by Johnny Diaz. It’s this amazing song though that really just hits the target straight on about teenage and young adult girls. Flashback to Mission Trip 2010, Kingstree, SC- it’s one of the last nights. It’s close to curfew. Two of the red shirt staff girls come in to sing goodnight or tell a story. But instead of going classroom to classroom, they gather an audience around the bathroom. The turnout is huge, a large majority of the girls were sitting there listening to those two girls sing and play guitar to A More Beautiful You. A lot were crying because the song just hits home so much.

So it really brought me back to mission trip, which is probably in the top 10 best times in my life, once I started listening to it again after James told me to check it out on YouTube. I refrained from crying or singing along (or both) because I was in a public airport listening to it on YouTube from my phone. Music means a lot to me. It expresses so much. I can express my love for God through music, or just about any other thing I need to express. When I’m sad I sing, no joke. I’ll go alone some place and sing my feelings out. That’s not saying I think that I’m that good, but I still like it. And so my little playlist I’m listening to on iTunes right now is just making me think. And think. And think.

I’m in the middle of rambling on and on to you, and I’m sorry, it’s just hard not too when you have a large amount of time on a plane without Internet or much else to do. I had a book that I had to read for the upcoming school year, Fahrenheit 451, that I just finished reading and I’ll be talking about probably soon. I used up most of my stuff during the 1-hour delay that turned into 2 hours after they literally lost (couldn’t find anywhere) a flight attendant. So I guess I’ll just wrap up with a part from another Casting Crowns song.

If we are the Body, why aren’t His arms reaching?

Why aren’t His hands healing? Why aren’t His words teaching?

And if we are the Body why aren’t His feet going?

Why is His love not showing them there is a way? Jesus is the way.

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