Tuesday, July 13, 2010


My mom and I decided a little while ago we were going to take advantage of our neighborhood and go to the gym everyday we possibly could. That's great, but it's a public place (instead of relying on the treadmill and weights we have at home) so it's not as comfortable as it is when your all alone.

I feel that alone really speaks for itself. We all have a comfort zone, it's true. And some of us have realized by now that we need to get out of our comfort zone. Even if it means going in a public gym, right? It was kinda a weird thing for me, though. I had already done all my physical therapy and excercises and i was ready to go and just listening to my ipod when my mom still had about 10 minutes left.

I immedately turned the song to Get Down, by Audio Adrenaline. This is a pretty popular Christian song, and it even has it's own dance. The second the song started i had the urge to dance (don't judge), just because it brough back memories from the mission trip. At first i stood up and really considered it, but then realizing how weird it would look to all the men and women running on treadmills or lifting weights to see some random girl dancing and jumping. So i just stood there. Then i kept thinking about how if i cant even dance to a song about praising Him, how can i show the world how much i love Him?

I love those who love me, and those who seek me early and diligently shall find me. Proverbs 8: 17

Needless to say I danced. I'm learning now to embrace even the smallest of things so i can take baby steps into where i'm out of my comfort zone and i can just go out and feel free enough to spread my love for God to everyone else. That's gonna be my goal, just to embrace my faith.

I'm in the middle, right now, of figuring things out. I know who I am, and what I want to do with my life where I'm happy, but also ( and mainly ) live for Him. It's hard to keep doing that plan though when i keep getting sidetracked by friends and there problems, incoming drama going on in school or with friends from all over the place, and always trying to meet up to some expectations. But, as I've said before, I'm trying to embrace him, and that's my main priority now.

Sorry for the short post, but I'm extremely tired. I'll try and lengthen the next one :)


trina.ashley@gmail.com said...

WOW! You danced! I'm very proud of you, I don't know if I would've been able to do that. I'm glad you are so motivated to show EVERYONE (even the adults at the gym) how amazing our God is :) keep it up!!

Emma K said...

the funniest part is there couldnt hear any music, so some random girl was dancing in the gym(: haha.
thank you trina, and yes He is :)

James Earley said...

Wow, girl. That's SO hard-core! I LOVE that you are able to do that. You are truly an amazing individual!